3rd Limb of Yoga- Asana
(physical postures)
Practicing yoga asanas help us to balance the vital energies of the body; masculine/feminine, light/dark, sun/moon.
The yoga asanas were designed to be practiced with breath awareness and deep relaxation. Without these other elements, the postures can cause injury and imbalance.
Each pose should be steady and sweet. Effortless and comfortable.
Our physical and subtle bodies align as we link movement to breath and turn our focus inward.
"As the body finds its ease, the mind and emotions align with it" p 226
Yoga asanas prepare the body for the deeper limbs of yoga, including seated meditation.
"Rhythmical breathing coordinated with this movement releases blockages and allows energy to flow. When it is flowing normally and rhythmically, the breath distributes energy through pathways, which encourage relaxation and the ability to stretch further." p 227
There are countless styles of yoga available to us in the West. Take into account your own temperament and choose a style that will promote balance.
"As the practice is established, it affords flexibility of body, mind, and emotions. With this comes balance and the yearning to be still and know yourself." p 229
(quotes taken from The Secret Power of Yoga, by Nischala Joy Devi)