Iswara Pranidhana- seeing the big picture, whole-hearted dedication to the Lord
This niyama is the pinnacle of all the niyamas. It requires that we accept there is something bigger than us at work in our lives.
When we think we are the master controller of our lives we get caught up in our own personal drama. We get frustrated when things don't go our way.
This niyama is related to "don't sweat the small stuff."
Take a wider view. See the big picture.
Meditation is a profound way to touch into the vastness of life; it's a great way to feel your connection to all things. "By setting aside enough time to get quiet and clear, we can begin to differentiate between the cluttered thoughts of our ordinary mind and the resonant intelligence that comes through as intuition. Rather than trying to unravel the mystery, we start to embody the mystery of life"- Donna Farhi, from Yoga Mind, Body, and Spirit