Sunday, March 2, 2014

Root Chakra

"Very little grows on jagged rock.  Be crumbled. Be ground.  So that wild flowers will grow up where you are."  Rumi

Chakras are spinning vortexes of energy that correspond to nerve plexuses in the physical body.  There are seven major chakras, starting at the base of the spine and travelling up the center of the body to the crown of the head.

Learning about the chakras offers us more tools with which to balance the body/mind.

The first chakra is called Muladhara and is located at the base of the spine.  Its corresponding color is red, and it is related to the element Earth.

Muladhara is related to the legs and feet.

Muladhara is related to our feeling of security, safety, rootedness, and being at home.  It is related to our family/tribe, and, especially, to our mother.

When the first chakra is balanced, we feel secure, safe, and at home in ourselves.

When the first chakra is out of balance, we feel insecure and fearful.

To make an altar for the root chakra, consider placing rocks, gems, sticks, pictures of family, potted plants, red candles, etc.  If concern over money is an issue, you could place a checkbook on your altar.

One of the ways to balance the first chakra is to feel your connection to the earth.  In asana practice, come back again and again to what is touching the ground.  Feel the security and rootedness that comes with being steady and connected to the earth.  Hold poses longer than usual, and focus on standing poses.  Poses which are low to the ground and spread out on the ground are also useful to connect with the energy of Earth.

In anxiety, our awareness moves up and out in the form of spiraling thoughts.  Find security and calm by bringing your awareness down to the earth.

"Our bodies know that they belong to life, to spirit. It is our minds that make our lives so homeless." John O'Donahue