Sunday, January 25, 2015


Apana is the downward flow of energy.


grounds us
calms anxiety
connects us to earth element
slows us down
is cultivated in restorative yoga

Apana moves out on the second part of the exhalation.

It is seated in the colon.

It governs elimination, menstruation, letting go.

The vayus are forms of vata: If a person presents with excess vata, he or she will potentially be quite anxious and fearful.  Without the downward flow of energy, she might present with constipation and amenorrhea.  In even more serious cases, there can be much pain in the abdomen because the energy is stuck and unable to flow down.  Treatments include restorative yoga, relaxation, tea, warm/soothing food, swaddling/wrapping of the body, etc.