Samana Vayu is located in the abdomen, with the center at the navel. It is a wind that circulates in a spiral, and draws inward.
It is associated with Fire element.
Samana has to do with digestion and circulation, even of thoughts and emotions. Do we hold memories and pain until they harden, or do we let them move through us and become assimilated and free? Movement is what we want; freedom, waves, fluidity, breath.
Samana Vayu is an inward movement. Draw your attention inward, rest it on your navel center, and imagine a spiral that flows and moves freely.
Poses that build heat and draw in cultivate this vayu. Spinal twists, abdominal work.
Soften and expand the abdomen in restorative poses, like supported bridge and legs up the wall (with a bolster under your pelvis). Let the energy circulate freely.
The Vayus are linked to the chakras; you can learn more about this vayu by studying the manipura chakra.