Saturday, July 28, 2012

2nd Limb of Yoga- Niyamas
(5 more ways to cultivate stability of mind in your daily life)

Saucha (the first niyama)- simplicity

Simple yoga sequence

Simple balance between too much and not enough in your yoga postures. Leave the dialogue at that.

Watch how you complicate your day, watch how you complicate your relationships.  "The blessings come when we can embrace simplicity, making our lives easier and more joyous" (The Secret Power of Yoga, by Nischala Joy Devi p. 209)

Simplify your food.  Saucha can also be defined as purity.  Eat real foods, simply and lovingly prepared.

Simplify your clothing: comfortable, natural.  Feel the difference when you dress comfortably.

Simplify your environment, the rooms in your house.  Donate things you don't use or need.  Get rid of the things that negatively affect your mood.

Simplify your inner dialogue. Letting go means dropping the story line.

Another aspect of saucha is the ability to be emotionally light. We tend to take situations and ourselves much too seriously.

How do you feel when you cultivate saucha in your daily life?