Saturday, June 1, 2013

Vishuddha Chakra

The fifth chakra is located at the throat.

Color: turquoise blue, like the sky

Sound: ham

Asanas: plow, shoulderstand, bridge, fish

The element associated with fifth chakra is ether.

Foods associated with this chakra are fruits.  To help balance the throat chakra, you could drink juice or smoothies for a few days as a way to "purify".

The fifth chakra is associated with Divine will, or wide view.  As we move up the chakras, we go from the will of the group/tribe/family (root chakra), to personal will (solar plexus), to Divine will.  I think of Divine will as the wisdom to know we are part of a bigger picture; we do not control our lives, nor do our families control us.  The universe is vast; we are a drop in the ocean of great consciousness.

The fifth chakra is associated with speech, hearing, and truthfulness.  Do we say how we really feel?  Do we use our voices to speak in public, recite poetry, sing, or chant?  Are we able to listen to others, and do we feel listened to?

Dysfunctions in this chakra include: thyroid dysfunctions, sore throat, teeth grinding, and hearing problems.

To balance this chakra: chant, sing, tell the truth, journal, play a musical instrument, be a good listener, gaze at the sky, eat fruits, wear blue, wear turquoise, practice yoga poses that create space in the throat and neck stretches