Thursday, December 5, 2013


When we're busy we become a small self: a small, doing self.  It takes doing to keep tight.

When we slow down and get quiet we expand and become a big Self.  When we are expansive gratitude just flows.

It takes doing to keep tight.  Gratitude is not doing, gratitude is a relative of Being, or Presence.

Live from a big, gracious space in your being.  Let your awareness expand to include the world around you.  Your awareness can reach to the snow on the Cascades and the water in Puget Sound.

What are you grateful for?

Positive emotions breed more positive emotions.  Positive emotions, like gratitude, lead to healthier bodies and healthier relationships.

Then intention with the sequencing on Thanksgiving Day was to ground us and root us in gratitude and what is actually most important to us.  To slow down the busy-ness and feel gratitude just flow.  To let the doing self just rest and the expansive Self breathe.