Sunday, September 1, 2013


Durga is the "warrior goddess of protection and inner strength"

Durga is one of the most popular goddesses in India and has become an icon of liberation and power.

When you welcome Durga into your world, "she can empower your most radical aspirations and guide you through your most conflict-ridden life dramas"

Durga is often pictured riding a lion (or a tiger).  She has flowing dark hair and dark, intense eyes.  She wears a red sari, a crown, and lots of gold jewelry.  She has eight arms and carries many weapons.

She is the deity to call upon when you're in deep trouble.

Because she is hidden, the goddess needs us to call on her when we need her help; we need to ask.  We can use meditation, mantra, chanting, prayer, etc. to call on the goddess.

Durga also represents the power of the environment.  She is in crashing waves, high winds, mountains, earthquakes, etc.

When you feel stuck, when you need a change in your life, considering calling on Durga for help.  Visualize her and ask " What is the major inner obstacle I have to face now?  What is holding me back?  What do I need to let go of?

Durga lends you strength to do what you need to do.  She is especially available when you're struggling to right a wrong.

A Durga woman might believe her job is to hold up the world.

Durga's shadow side is harshness and the need for control.  She needs to shine, even outshine.  She can be a relentless inner critic.

Durga energy is often behind a woman's instinct to organize for large-scale change; to fight social and political change.

To get a felt sense of Durga energy, remember a moment when you recognized, from deep inside you, that something had to change.  Durga's transformative power carries a conviction that comes from deep within the body.  When that knowing is strong enough, it is followed by action.  Before the Durga energy is activated, we often feel powerless, confused, and unable to act.

Durga energy is in truth-telling, ending a relationship, political power, standing up for yourself in an argument, willpower to create positive habits, starting a project, completing a project, rescuing someone in trouble, protecting other people, fighting injustice, personal empowerment, etc.

Consider calling on Durga when you need her power and help in a situation.

-- from Awakening Shakti, by Sally Kempton