Saturday, September 21, 2013


Parvati is the goddess of sacred marriage.

Her body is golden, the color of a dawn sky. She has large, bare breasts and long, well-muscled limbs. A red silk cloth is twisted low around her limbs. Her belly is well-defined yet sensuously round. Her body radiates warmth. The gold of her skin is illuminated by her inner power, her yogic fire. She is smiling. Her smile radiates playfulness and love. Inhale her warmth and light as red and golden sparkles. Feel yourself immersed in red and golden sparkles. Let this golden radiance show you what it wants from you. What do you truly desire from your life?

Parvati is the patron deity of yoginis.
She represents our commitment to practice intensely in yoga, meditation, pr athletics.

She represents a dance between movement and stillness, strength and softness, masculine and feminine.

Parvati is married to Shiva and they are the power couple. They complete each other. Parvati is utterly devoted to shiva but maintains her individuality.

She is the model of strength and love. She is the ultimate yogini and the ultimate wife.

The Parvati myth is about the inner journey to wholeness. Uniting the masculine and feminine sides of ourselves. Parvati is a mother and a yogini. She's strong as she's tender. She's willful and she's playful.

She's beautiful and athletic.

Parvati is the incarnation of focused will. She WILL be united with shiva. Shiva makes her whole. What is your deepest desire? Which desires will take me closer to my true self?

The Shiva-Parvati story is about the integration of spirit with form, freedom with fullness, knowledge with love.

Parvati's yoga isn't about self-cultivation, it's about love.

Recognize Parvati in the energy of a group that allows boundaries to come down and transformation to take place.

Find Parvati in yoga studios, unusual domestic situations, forest groves and mountains, peacemakers, sensuality, fertility, sunlight, and dance.

Invoke Parvati for willpower, strength and commitment, finding a mate, bearing a child, will and power in athletics, commitment to practice, balancing the worldly and spiritual sides of life.